Select Your Membership
Become a member by selecting a membership tier below. Prices are displayed in US dollars.
Free Membership
6 courses
Community access
Start For Free!
Our Free Membership gives you access to our SIP Cyber Talks sessions, as well as our learning pathway on how to get started with Cybersecurity and access to our very own SIP CTF's!
Freelancer Membership
billed monthly
11 courses
3 digital downloads
1 coaching service
Community access
Become A Cybersecurity Freelancer!
Our Freelancer Membership Plan gives you access to all of our learning pathways and live sessions, as well as unlimited 1:1 one hour check in sessions with your mentor as well as a structured plan for building your freelancing consultancy.
Need help with completing a scope of work or completing an engagement you bring in? No problems! That's included in the mentoring sessions.
Video & Live Content
- Live Pentest Sessions (2x per week)
- Live HomeLab Building Workshops (2x per month)
- Live Freelancer Workshops (2x per month)
- Access to ALL previously recorded live streams
Learning Pathway Content
- Defensive Security Pathway
- Offensive Security Pathway
- IT Freelancing Pathway
- AI/ Automations Pathway
- Purple Team Pathway
- Getting Started in Cybersecurity
- Access to our very own CTF challenges
- Unlimited 1:1 one hour freelancer focused coaching sessions
Document Templates
- Access to a Services Catalogue template
- Access to a Contracting Partnership Agreement template
SIP Membership
billed monthly
11 courses
3 digital downloads
1 coaching service
Community access
Gain REAL Experience as a Contributing Analyst!
Our SIP Membership Plan gives you access to all of our learning pathways and live sessions, as well as unlimited 1:1 15 minute check in sessions with your mentor.
Real engagements on real businesses providing real experience!
Video & Live Content
- Live Pentest Sessions (2x per week)
- Live HomeLab Building Workshops (2x per month)
- Live Freelancer Workshops (2x per month)
- Access to ALL previously recorded live streams
Learning Pathway Content
- Defensive Security Pathway
- Offensive Security Pathway
- IT Freelancing Pathway
- AI/ Automations Pathway
- Purple Team Pathway
- Getting Started in Cybersecurity
- Access to our very own CTF challenges
- Unlimited 1:1 15-minute coaching sessions